Talcum Powder Lawsuit Claims

Talcum powder has been linked to ovarian cancer, mesothelioma and lung cancer.

If you or someone in your family developed cancer after using talcum powder, our attorneys can evaluate your claim and help you gather medical records and evidence to build a case.

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Talc Powder and Cancer: Lawsuit Decisions

Talcum PowderLegal decisions involving talcum powder and cancer are making headlines in the media. One talcum powder manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has suffered legal defeats in court, totaling jury awards of as much as $100 million in damages. Most recently, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal by J&J contesting a $2 billion verdict awarded to 22 women who claim talcum powder led to their cancer.

J&J is facing ongoing lawsuits from consumers around the country. Tens of thousands of lawsuits have been filed alleging a link between ovarian cancer and use of talc powder for feminine hygiene.

Between jury trials and negotiated settlements, J&J may be liable for billions of dollars and may be under pressure to agree to a global settlement in the near future.

Thousands of lawsuits have also been filed against J&J alleging that their talc caused mesothelioma.

“J&J knew for decades that small amounts of asbestos had occasionally been found in its raw talc and in Baby Powder and Shower to Shower, based on test results from the early 1970s to the early 2000s – information it did not disclose to regulators or the public,” according to Reuters.

Find out if you have a case we could help you win​
Our attorneys have helped thousands of people receive the compensation they deserve.

Looking for a Attorney to Handle Your Talc Case?

Our top priority is ensuring you get the answers you’ve been looking for and the compensation you deserve. If we take on your case, you won’t be charged anything unless you win.

Contact our top talc attorneys today. We’ll work tirelessly for you every step of the way, ensuring the process is as simple and transparent as possible.

Questions Our Attorneys Can Answer For You:

  • What are the grounds for a talc lawsuit?
  • Who qualifies for a talc lawsuit?
  • How much does it cost to file a talc lawsuit?
  • What is the evidence that talc causes cancer?
  • Is this a class action or individual lawsuit?
  • What is the average payout for talc lawsuits?
  • Have there been any settlements in the talc lawsuits?

Does Talcum Powder Cause Cancer?

How to Qualify for a Talcum Powder Lawsuit

Frequently Asked Questions About the Talc Lawsuit

File Your Talc Lawsuit Before It’s Too Late

Following a cancer diagnosis, there is a short statute of limitations in which to bring forth a talc lawsuit. Hurry and file your claim before it’s too late. Act now by requesting your free case review with one of our top talc attorneys today.